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When Violence Hits Home

NCJ Number
Date Published
41 pages
This resource handbook provides information and resources for battered women, formerly battered women, their friends, and the community. The handbook focuses on the problem of domestic violence and letting victims know that something can be done to stop the violence.
Approximately 95 percent of the victims of domestic violence are women. However, violence can also happen in both gay and lesbian relationships and in a small number of cases, by women against men. In order to stop violence, we must know the facts, know the resources, and take action. This booklet was developed to provide domestic violence victims with the information and resources to take action. The booklet is composed of 11 sections: (1) definition; (2) human rights for all; (3) myths, facts, and stats; (4) warning list; (5) violence wheel; (6) cycle of domestic violence; (7) non-violence wheel; (8) suggestions for helping; (9) personalized safety plan; (10) the children; and (11) resources and information.