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When Courts Videotape Proceedings

NCJ Number
Trial Volume: 28 Issue: 9 Dated: (September 1992) Pages: 44-47
R R Lamb
Date Published
4 pages
A video recording of court proceedings provides an accurate, reliable, verbatim record, and the record is immediately available for a variety of uses at substantial savings to attorneys, their clients, and the court.
When videotaping court proceedings, the number of cameras, microphones, monitors, and speakers varies according to the configuration of each courtroom. Usually five cameras are located in the courtroom and one in chambers. Cameras are positioned to capture a comprehensive view of the courtroom and the participants as the trial progresses. Typically, microphones will be positioned at the bench, the jury box, each counsel table, the witness box, the court chambers, and other areas where needed, such as at a chalkboard or projector screen. Depositions or previously recorded testimony can be viewed by the jury on a 25-inch monitor in the courtroom. The judge can view the playback on the monitor at the bench. A viewing station that includes a VTR, monitor, headphones, and a foot pedal to control tape movement is located in the court building for litigants, attorneys, and others who may need to review tapes of court proceedings. Videotapes can be a hindrance when a case is appealed. Attorneys and judges have complained that viewing a tape is very time-consuming compared with reading a transcript. Michigan has addressed this limitation by requiring a hard-copy transcript in appeals. The method of producing a transcript from the tape varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. Cost and efficiency are enhanced by using other technology in conjunction with the video system. Other benefits are enhanced security and the use of tapes for training and education. 2 notes


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