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What You Need To Know About Drug Testing in Schools, 2002

NCJ Number
Date Published
July 2002
24 pages
This booklet is intended to provide persons who are considering drug-testing programs in their schools with a broad understanding of the issue and up-to-date information on which to base a decision about student drug testing.
Included in the booklet are answers to questions that students, parents, school officials, and other concerned individuals might have about the drug-testing process. The booklet advises that before implementing a drug-testing program, schools should engage legal counsel familiar with the law regarding student drug testing. Although the U.S. Supreme Court has upheld a drug-testing program for students involved in competitive extracurricular activities, the ruling is not a blanket endorsement of drug testing for all students. The benefits and risks of drug testing are reviewed, and guidelines are provided for the process of determining whether a particular school system should use drug testing of students. The booklet explains drug testing, who pays for it, who does the testing, what the test indicates about an individual's drug use, and what a test does not show. Further, the booklet describes the services that should be in place for communities to deal effectively with students who test positive for drugs, and it advises that appropriate community resources must be in place before implementing a drug-testing program. Case histories are presented to show how several schools have used testing to address their drug problems. Fifteen resources are listed, including web sites.