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What Works for Female Offenders: A Meta-analytic Review

NCJ Number
Crime and Delinquency Volume: 45 Issue: 4 Dated: October 1999 Pages: 438-452
Craig Dowden; D. A. Andrews
Date Published
October 1999
15 pages
The principles of effective correctional treatment for female offenders were studied by means of a meta-analytic review of 26 studies that examined this issue.
Each study was composed mainly or entirely of female offenders, included a follow-up period, compared a group of offenders who received an intervention to a control group who did not receive the primary intervention, and included a measure of recidivism. The meta-analysis extracted 45 effect sizes from the studies. The 16 studies that included only female offenders contributed 24 effect sizes to the analysis. Results revealed a wide range of effect sizes within the entire sample of studies. Results also indicated that the clinically relevant and psychologically informed principles of human service, risk, need, and responsivity identified in past meta-analytic reviews were associated with enhanced reductions in reoffending among female offenders. Further research is recommended to explore gender effects and determine whether making the treatment program more responsive to the specific learning styles of female offenders has any impact on recidivism. Tables, appended list of studies, and 18 references (Author abstract modified)