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What Works: Effective Intervention with Sex Offenders (From Risk Reduction: Interventions for Special Needs Offenders, P 115-163, 2002, Harry E. Allen, ed., -- See NCJ-196804)

NCJ Number
Pamela M. Yates Ph.D.
Date Published
49 pages
In this paper effective intervention programs and treatments of sex offenders are discussed.
Effective treatment of sexual offenders is the focus of this paper. Describing sexual assault and sexual exploitation as serious growing public concerns, the author begins by describing various types of sexual offender treatments. After detailing general psychotherapy, organic, physical, and cognitive-behavioral treatments, pharmacological and behavioral interventions, relapse prevention, and community based interventions, this paper presents research concerning the methodological limitations of sexual offender treatments. Presenting detailed qualitative and quantitative reviews of sex offender treatment efficacy, the author argues that the most effective sex offender treatments are those that match effective interventions with offender risk, needs, and responsivity. Discussing sex offender risk and prediction of recidivism, the author finds that sexual deviance is the strongest predictor of sexual recidivism. After briefly considering juvenile sex offenders, the author concludes that different types of sex offenders should receive different versions of treatments in order for all sex offenders to receive the best care. References