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What Newspapers Tell Us (And Don't Tell Us) About Rape

NCJ Number
L Heath; M T Gordon; R LeBailly
Date Published
16 pages
This paper examines the reporting of rape in eight metropolitan newspapers, focusing on the presence of stereotypes and risk cues in all articles about crime published within a 6-month period.
Selected issues of the 8 major metropolitan newspapers in San Francisco, Chicago, and Philadelphia were content analyzed, and assessments were made for 82 variables for every crime article in every issue (e.g., space devoted to the article, accompanying headlines and graphics, and factual content of the article). Rape articles include those which reported specific incidents as well as more generalized articles. Also included were articles dealing with general crime prevention. Results showed that when details about a rape were present, they reflected the rapes 'founded' (declared valid) by police and therefore underrepresented rapes which either seldom are reported to the police or are viewed suspiciously by police. For example, rapes by acquaintances or family members were not generally included in the media picture of rape. Further, the details about rape were reported less frequently than details about either murder or robbery. Additionally, risk cues or comments which indicate high crime danger were more numerous in rape articles than in articles about other violent crimes. Implications for women's perceptions of rape and fear of rape are discussed. It is concluded that women should be informed about the true nature of rape so that they might assess their own risk and replace misperceptions of rape with more accurate information. Tables, 10 footnotes, and 9 references are provided. (Author abstract modified)

