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What information does law enforcement need in stalking cases?

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This instructional video – one in a series of training videos on stalking sponsored by the Stalking Prevention, Awareness, and Resources Center (SPARC) – is a brief comment by a law enforcement officer regarding the information law enforcement officers need when investigating a possible stalking case. 


The instructor is Sergeant Denise Jones of the Clark County Sheriff’s Office (Ohio). She makes a brief statement on what officers are trained to do in her department. When responding to a complaint about a particular person’s behavior and its effect on the complainant, the responding officer refers to the provisions of Ohio state law regarding stalking to determine whether there is reasonable cause to believe a person has engaged in behavior toward the complainant that meets the requirements of the stalking law. The officer then uses her/his discretion to either make an arrest and/or file a report that details features of the case. Based on the case report, the law enforcement agency decides on further actions in the case.