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What Every Drug Counselor Should Know About AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)

NCJ Number
J P Sulima
Date Published
67 pages
This guide provides drug counselors basic facts about acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) to help them identify which clients are most likely to contract the AIDS virus and take steps to help clients, whether to protect themselves from getting the virus, to stop them from spreading it, or to deal with the process of dying if they have contracted AIDS.
The guide opens with an essay by an addiction counselor experienced in helping AIDS patients. The essay deals with issues that may hamper a counselor assisting a client, such as the fear of homosexuality and embarrassment. The role of the counselor in AIDS cases is discussed. After an overview of the AIDS problem and why drug abuse programs should become involved with it, the guide presents basic facts about AIDS and its virus, including transmission means, risk behaviors, and various host reactions to the AIDS virus infection. Other topics discussed are risk awareness and assessment, testing for the AIDS virus antibody, risk reduction and health promotion counseling, and treatment planning for clients infected with the AIDs virus. Also discussed are treatment of the psychosocial problems of infected clients, AIDS support groups and buddies, designing a prevention education program, and women intravenous drug users and their children. Glossary of AIDS terms, addresses for 3 hotlines and 15 resource organizations, and list of 58 publications and other media resources.


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