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What Does Incarceration Cost?

NCJ Number
Correctional OPTIONS Volume: 2 Issue: 1 Dated: (Fall 1982) Pages: 5-9
M Algar
Date Published
5 pages
In Ontario, Canada, from April 1980 to March 1981, a day's housing for one inmate cost $5.73, while the average per diem cost to the Government was about $75.
Government accounting systems in Canada have not usually included real estate costs in the operating costs, although they are often a large element of the cost of government. Thus, in Ontario's correctional system, which has a mix of small, old buildings and newer, larger buildings, a total of $10 should be added to overall per diem costs to make an overall per diem figure of $75. The average per diem cost of a new institution, had it been built in 1980, would have been about $95. Figures and a photograph are included.


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