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What Do Supervision Officers Do? Adult Probation/Parole Officer Workloads in a Rural Western State

NCJ Number
Journal of Crime and Justice Volume: 41 Issue: 3 Dated: July 2018 Pages: 294-309
Adam K. Matz; Timothy B. Conley; Nicole Johanneson
Date Published
16 pages
This study reviews the literature and documents a time study of probation and parole officer workloads conducted in a rural Western state.
For several decades time studies have been used as a decision-making tool in criminal justice settings to assist in staffing allocation decisions. Despite their prevalence, these studies have rarely been documented in empirical journals or subjected to peer-review. Publication bias is a likely issue, with only those providing favorable results reaching a public audience. Results from the current study indicate that probation and parole rely heavily on office-based interactions with probationers and parolees. An over-reliance on compliance enforcement, substantiated by other research in the state, suggests the transition to evidence-based practices and programs remains an ongoing and challenging process as officers continue to cope with caseloads that exceed national recommendations. (Publisher abstract modified)