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NCJ Number
Date Published
2 pages

This publication by the Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) introduces the LISC model for safety and justice in data collection.


In this flier, the Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) presents the LISC model for safety and justice in data collection. The LISC is data driven, community-oriented, spurs revitalization, and builds partnerships. LISC targets crime hot spots – often streets, properties or public spaces in communities that have struggled with crime for years. Researchers are engaged in the day-to-day work, helping partners examine problems, assess evidence-based solutions, and monitor progress. LISC champions active roles for residents in identifying problems, selecting strategies, and creating safe and healthy environments. LISC tackles problem properties, unsafe streets and parks, unemployment, transit barriers, and service gaps related to crime. LISC taps the resources of public, nonprofit, and community leaders to bring more resources and different approaches to bear on longstanding crime challenges for lasting change. Data collected now will frame priorities and the projects developed over the next few months (and years). Taking a few hours to flesh out a plan for data collection and analysis will help to improve the overall understanding of the conditions in the community and result in responses that are more effective. Data are all the pieces of information that a team has collected, directly or from other groups or departments, which can be used to analyze a problem and develop potential responses to that problem.