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Westminster Police Department Tri-Agency Resource Gang Enforcement Team, 2000 Update

NCJ Number
Date Published
19 pages
This report provided data for the year 2000 that were pertinent to the work of the Tri-Agency Resource Gang Enforcement Team (TARGET), which involved personnel from the Westminster Police Department, Orange County Probation Department, and Orange County District Attorney's Office (California).
TARGET has completed its ninth year of operation. Five previous reports have detailed the structure, philosophy, goals, and progress of the program; however, starting with the 1997 report, only the tables and figures have been updated from previous reports. Twenty-two tables and figures pertinent to gang member characteristics and their criminal justice processing were provided. Demographic information on gang members covered ethnicity and age distribution verified since 1990, as well as gender and age distribution of gang members verified since 1990. Data were provided on gangs that met STEP Act criteria as well as gang member field contact and information use. Other tables and figures addressed the arrest activity of police detectives, TARGET list activity for 1992-2000, the number of TARGET subjects by gang affiliation, and demographic data on TARGET subjects. Also documented were subject history of the most serious arrest prior to TARGET selection, subject involvement in violent crime prior to TARGET selection, most serious charge filed against TARGET subjects, outcomes of the penalty phase of prosecuted cases, and the custody status of TARGET subjects. Remaining tables provided data on the frequency of gang crime, violent gang crime, and gang crime reports in the city of Westminster; a comparison of gang-related and non-gang-related violent crime in Westminster; and trends in gang crime (1991-2000), custody status and gang crime, and gang crime and non-gang crime.