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Western Australian Initiatives To Prevent the Spread of HIV/AIDS Among Injecting Drug Users

NCJ Number
International Journal on Drug Policy Volume: 2 Issue: 4 Dated: (January/February 1991) Pages: 13-16
W Loxley; A Marsh; P Watt; G Westlund; C Watson; M Kosky
Date Published
4 pages
Governmental and nongovernmental agencies in Western Australia have initiated many efforts to prevent the spread of HIV among intravenous drug users.
These initiatives include the sale of needles and syringes in pharmacies, needle exchange programs and outreach services, vending machines to sell needles and syringes, the education of drug treatment workers, the direct education of intravenous drug users, the formation of a drug users' collective, and support for national awareness campaigns. The efforts have benefited from the experiences of other countries and Australian States and have been notable for the cooperation and integration of services between government, private agencies, and user groups. It is not known whether the low rate of HIV infection among intravenous drug users in Western Australia is related to these initiatives or to the geographical isolation of West Australia, but the interagency cooperation can only aid the efforts to address HIV. 5 references


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