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Western Australia Police Department - Annual Report, 1980

NCJ Number
Date Published
31 pages
The activities and accomplishments of the Western Australia Police Department for the year ending June 30, 1980, are described.
Details are provided on the personnel, cost of police protection, buildings, and awards and on the specific activities of the department branches, including criminal investigation, scientific, communications, firearms, liquor and gaming, and public relations. The activities of the general duty police officers for each of the 11 police regions are discussed. During the year efforts to maintain the public order were generally successful. However, the organized displays against provisions of the Police Act regulating public meetings and processions on public roads have imposed a considerable strain on police resources. Evaluation of the '79 Division,' introduced in 1979 to provide a more effective response to public calls for police services, indicates that the division is of great benefit to the public and to the force. Crime increased 4.14 percent, but there was no dramatic increase in any one area. Female involvement in crime rose by 50 percent over 1979, and drug abuse continued to be an increasing social problem. Technological advances were made in several areas. Crime statistics charts and graphs are included in the 10 appendixes, and photographs are provided.