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Western Australia Police Department - Annual Report, 1979

NCJ Number
Date Published
33 pages
The activities and accomplishments of the Western Australia Police Department for the year ending June 30, 1980, are described.
Details are provided on personnel, awards, cost of police protection, and building construction. Overall increases in crime are reflected in the activities and statistics offered for the individual squads and patrols of the criminal investigation branch, such as the breaking and entering squad, the combined operations special patrols, the commercial agents squad, the company fraud squad, the drug squad, and the motor squad. The total of major offenses reported was 68,277, representing an increase of approximately 11 percent above the previous year. Crimes solved totaled 18,884, and a major crime was committed approximately once every 8 minutes. The activities of the general duty police officer are highlighted for each of the 11 police regions. The year saw an increase in crime generally, including an increase in the drug abuse problem. However, a corresponding increase in the overall crime detection rate was also noted. Ten appendixes provide crime statistics charts, and graphs, and photographs are included.