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West Virginia Department of Public Safety - Annual Report, 63rd, July 1, 1980-June 30, 1981

NCJ Number
Date Published
85 pages
This report reflects the activities and accomplishments of the West Virginia Department of Public Safety for the period July 1, 1980 to June 30, 1981 and outlines the goals and objectives established for the following fiscal year.
Among the department's objectives is maintaining West Virginia as the State with the lowest crime rate in the Nation. The department has and will continue to emphasize educational programs for both sworn and civilian personnel. Highlighted accomplishments are the equipping of all headquarters with video receivers and players for direct communication to the field, the installation of two weather mapping systems for improved utilization of, and the furnishing of a chemistry laboratory. Activities summarized in the report include accounting services, communications, crime prevention and criminal identification, data processing, logistics and supply personnel, traffic research and safety, and uniform crime reporting, as well as field services, inspection services, and research and planning. Tabular data are given.