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We Recover Together: Family, Friends, and Community

NCJ Number
Date Published
124 pages
This toolkit prepared by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s Center for Substance Abuse Treatment and other national planning partner organizations and treatment providers was organized in observation of the National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month Campaign held in September 2001 to assist in the development of community outreach programs for those in need of substance abuse treatment.
This toolkit was prepared for the National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month Campaign in September 2001 by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s Center for Substance Abuse Treatment and national organizations and treatment providers to begin educating the individual community and key constituent groups about the need to be involved in improving substance abuse treatment in their community. The kit offered ideas and suggestions for planning and implementing a manageable campaign that conveyed the 2001 observance theme, We Recover Together: Family, Friends, and Community, emphasizing the importance of family and community in the recovery process. The theme’s intent was to focus the Nation’s attention on the needs of Americans who severely need substance abuse treatment. Numerous kit materials were tailored to make key constituent groups aware of the need to support treatment and recovery. Other materials were designed as templates to be customized with personal examples and issues from their community. Lastly, the kit offered suggestions tailored to help engage these groups in the treatment and recovery process. The kit materials were divided into four areas: (1) Recovery Month Partners, (2) Resource Materials, (3) Targeted Outreach Material, and (4) Media Outreach Material.