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Washington County Criminal Justice System Interim Report

NCJ Number
Date Published
121 pages
This is the fourth volume of the Washington County Criminal Justice System Interim Report. The volume deals with Master Plan and Facility Programs, and describes the fundamental elements of future detention facility development in Washington County.
This report has three sections: (1) facilities evaluation of the existing Washington County Jail and the Restitution Center, assessed in terms of current correctional design practices, national minimum standards, and the potential to accommodate expansion; (2) the critical elements that must be addressed in the development of future county detention facilities; and (3) an integrated formulation of the implications for future Washington County criminal justice and corrections planning. The three other volumes in this report are: (1) Summary and Introduction; (2) Justice System Components: An Initial Assessment; and (3) Corrections Needs Assessment. Volume 4 contains tables of contents of the earlier volumes. Appendixes (one is a bibliography), abbreviations, figures and listing of figures, tables and listing of tables