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Vulnerable Populations: Sexual Abuse Treatment for Children, Adult Survivors, Offenders, and Persons With Mental Retardation, Volume 2

NCJ Number
S M Sgroi
Date Published
406 pages
Fourteen essays address aspects of therapy and re-education for various types of sexual abuse victims (children, adult survivors, and mentally retarded victims) and sex offenders.
The first four chapters discuss the treatment of sexually abused children and adolescents. Techniques include play therapy, an inpatient model for assessment and treatment of adolescents, time-limited group therapy for adolescent victims, and the treatment of boys sexually abused by males. Chapters on clinical work with adult survivors of child sexual abuse describe recovery stages and peer group therapy. One chapter addresses the impact of childhood sexual abuse on the spirituality of adult survivors. Chapters pertaining to persons with mental retardation include a description of a curriculum designed to train persons with mental retardation how to avoid sexual victimization. The evaluation and treatment of sexual offending by mentally retarded persons are also considered. The last section of the volume focuses on sexual offender treatment. One chapter profiles sexual offense behavior and presents a typology of sex offenders, and another addresses implications for treatment and the therapeutic relationship of the common relationship between sexual offending and the offender's own childhood sexual victimization. The book concludes with a description of community-based treatment for child sexual abusers. Chapter tables and references as well as a subject index