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Visualizing ADDICTION: Teacher Pack

NCJ Number
Victor Shamas Ph.D.; Amanda Dawson Ph.D.; Christopher Dawson Ph.D.
Date Published
65 pages
The teacher guidebook and CD-ROM is a discovery-based teaching tool that goes inside the human brain to examine the effects of addictive drugs.
The teacher guide and CD-ROM contains eight interactive lessons, three animated tutorials, and a set of resources on the neuroscience of addiction. Lesson 1 is designed for use by health teachers and provides an overview of the material covered in Visualizing Addiction. Lessons 2-8 are aimed at science teachers giving students a chance to analyze brain-imaging data, use scientific thinking skills, simulate the scientific process used in addiction research, learn key concepts related to neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, and neuroimaging and develop and communicate ideas related to neuroscience of addiction. The multimedia CD-ROM lessons resemble a series of Web pages. This pack provides teachers and students a chance to explore the scientific issue of addiction using images, animation, simulations, and neuroimaging data. The eight lessons are divided into four parts: introduction, getting high (2-3), getting hooked (4-6), and getting help (7-8).