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Vision, a Mission, and a Plan for Strategic Action in Washtenaw County, MI

NCJ Number
Doug Thomas
Date Published
March 2004
16 pages
This paper describes the strategic planning process by presenting the experience of the Washtenaw County Trial Court Family Division--Juvenile Center in Ann Arbor, MI as an example.
The success of Washtenaw County’s strategic planning process hinged on several essential components, including strong leadership, full participation, focused coordination of efforts, use of the best available information, and the willingness to take risks. The strategic planning process is described, which involves the completion of several steps such as the identification and involvement of stakeholders, the identification of organizational beliefs and values, the creation of an organizational vision, the identification of mission-driven goals and objectives, and the development of a strategic action plan. The strategic planning process is illustrated by recounting how the Washtenaw County Trial Court conducted its court-wide strategic planning and development process. The trial court’s core beliefs are described followed by its vision statement, mission, and goals. Advice is offered for how to articulate a mission statement and identify goals and objectives. Key activities of the trial court’s strategic planning process included a thorough accounting and assessment of the existing interventions and services offered by the court as well as a documentation of the gaps and resources needed. The trial court held a series of system-wide planning workshops and established staff-driven action-plan implementation teams. The paper also addresses performance measurement and organizational readiness to change. Tables, footnotes, references