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Virginia State Police: Annual Report, 1993

NCJ Number
Date Published
16 pages
This document reports programs and activities of the Virginia Department of State Police during calendar year 1993.
The Department is organized according to function and consists of three bureaus and specialized units assigned to the Superintendent's Office: (1) Deputy Superintendent's Office (Aviation, Planning and Research, Internal Audit, Information, Professional Standards); (2) Bureau of Administrative and Support Services (Communications, Data Processing, Personnel, Property and Finance, Records Management, Training); (3) Bureau of Field Operations (Highway Patrol, Motor Vehicle Safety Inspection Program, enforcement of motor carrier and commercial vehicle safety regulations); and (4) Bureau of Criminal Investigation (General and Special Investigations, Support Services, an intelligence system on criminal activity in Virginia). There are enforcement statistics for the Bureau of Criminal Investigation and the Bureau of Field Operations. There is a section on unusual events of 1993 (a blizzard; a tornado; Tour DuPont bicycle race; Southern Governors' Conference/African Heads of State Summit; National Boy Scout Jamboree).


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