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Virginia State Police

NCJ Number
D M Slane
Date Published
23 pages
This booklet provides a brief history of the Virginia State Police, employment information, a description of training methods, and a summary of trooper responsibilities.
The Virginia State Police has existed since 1922, when eight license inspectors were appointed to enforce motor vehicle licensing laws. Today, the modern trooper is no longer concerned solely with the enforcement of highway safety laws, although this continues to be a primary responsibility. The trooper is also charged with the enforcement of all other State laws and is often an active participant in criminal investigations. In prospective recruits, the State Police demands high physical requirements, a high school education, and a willingness to serve anywhere in the Commonwealth. Basic training consists of 18 weeks of exacting work and discipline at the State Police Academy. Trainees study such subjects as accident investigation, chemical tests for intoxication, fingerprinting, first aid, traffic control, witness interrogation, evidence, and photography. Inservice training is continued for 1 week each year. Prior to becoming eligible for promotions, troopers must have better than satisfactory periodic merit ratings and must complete special written comprehensive examinations. In addition, the modern trooper must appreciate the importance of public relations. Nine photographs are provided.


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