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Virginia State Crime Commission - Annual Report, 1982

NCJ Number
Date Published
36 pages
The commission studied and issued recommendations on the following criminal justice issues: alternatives to incarceration, crime in schools, crime and the elderly, spouse abuse, off-duty wearing of uniforms, and others.
It recommended that alternatives to incarceration be expanded and incentives provided localities to use these alternatives (particularly for felons and public inebriates), that ex-offenders receive more services, and that minicomputers be set up in the corrections department. The commission is also concerned that the Parole Board hold hearings in local jails and not transfer inmates into the State system for hearings. The report cites other suggestions and outlines those implemented over the years.

Corporate Author
Virginia State Crime Cmssn

801 East Broad Street, Suite 905, Richmond, VA 23219, United States

Sale Source
National Institute of Justice/

Box 6000, Dept F, Rockville, MD 20849, United States

Publication Type
Report (Annual/Periodic)
United States of America