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Virginia Court Reorganization and Improvement - Circuit Court Personnel Project

NCJ Number
Date Published
575 pages
A personnel system for the Virginia circuit courts is proposed and described in the final report, and details are provided on records management system specifications and a conceptual design for a system of circuit administrators.
A statewide circuit court personnel system is proposed as a means of promoting central policy and rulemaking that will improve operational efficiency much as the district courts have improved as a result of uniform administration. It is recommended that a statewide classification and compensation plan be adopted for the circuit courts to link these courts with the rest of the system, and it is proposed that State-level personnel administration responsibilities for Virginia Circuit Court Clerk's Offices be removed from the Virginia Compensation Board and placed with the Judicial Council. A major attribute of the personnel system proposed is the elimination of the fee system of compensation to be replaced by salary payments out of the State general fund. The recommended salary levels are significant increases for many of the positions. The report on the conceptual design for a system of circuit administrators offers a greater level of specificity in a circuit administrator system, including position duties, office staffing levels, salary ranges, and recruitment procedures. The report on records management system specifications defines a payroll and personnel recordkeeping system that addresses the needs of the Virginia circuit court system. Charts and forms relevant to the proposed system are included. An executive summary of the evaluation of the overall project is also provided.