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Violent Homicide Investigation in the Capital Area, 1991

NCJ Number
Date Published
54 pages
The violent homicide statistics of Buenos Aires, Argentina, for 1991 are presented by age, gender, place, weapon used, and relationship to perpetrator.
Statistical data is listed on violent homicides in the urban, capital city area between January 1 and December 31, 1991. Data was obtained by a survey of 32 judges in the area at that time. Most victims (39.9 percent) were between 20 and 30 years old and male. Most homicides were committed by males, under age 25, and with firearms. In 44.7 percent of the homicides, victims knew the perpetrator. Discussion is offered for the data regarding the possibilities of child, female, and elder abuse in the population studied. Appendixes provide graphs and tables of the data obtained and a listing of survey questions.