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NCJ Number
Date Published
16 pages
This report presents trends in arrests, prosecutions, convictions, and sentences for violent felony offenses for New York State and three major regions: New York City, suburban New York City, and the remaining upstate counties.
Arrests for violent felony offenses increased steadily during the last 5 years of the 1980's, but started declining in the early 1990's. The vast majority of the arrests were reported from the New York City area and primarily involved robbery and assault offenses. Persons arrested for a violent felony offense tended to be younger and less likely to have prior criminal histories than drug felons. For every 100 violent felony arrests disposed in 1990, 96 cases were brought forward for prosecution. Almost half of the dispositions of all arrests were convictions. Twenty-nine percent of the arrests resulted in incarceration in 1990. Figures and tables