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Violence and Its Alternatives: An Interdisciplinary Reader

NCJ Number
Manfred B. Steger, Nancy S. Lind
Date Published
403 pages
These 35 essays explore multiple dimensions of violence and alternatives to violence; the essays represent varied cultural and intellectual perspectives and were published between 1961 and the late 1990s
The collection is intended for use by students, educators, and specialists. It includes analyses of the meaning, causes, effects, implications, and prevention of violence. Individual papers focus on the basic assumptions and theoretical frameworks used in studying violence, the place of violence in law and legal theory, violence and gender issues, and the relationship between race and violence in various cultural settings and historical contexts. Additional papers examine recent outbursts of nationalist violence around the world, with emphasis on conceptual and psychological dichotomies that tend to encourage political acts of violence, on the struggle for political autonomy, and on the role of warfare in the development of nation-states. Further articles examine the violence in relation to social classes, in terms of the structural violence of capitalism as it relates to existing inequalities in private property and political power, as well as alternatives to violence as presented by some of the most representative proponents of nonviolence. Chapter notes, index, and approximately 450 references