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Violence and Aggression in Adolescence

NCJ Number
Date Published
0 pages
The videocassette presents a teleconference on the depth and causes of and possible solutions to the large numbers of violent youths.
Drs. Edward Lipsett, William Damon, Richard Gelles, and Lewis Judd are the panel members on this teleconference on the causes of violence in adolescents today. Origins of violence, genetic disposition towards violence in babies, moral and social control mechanisms development in children, and the effects of the family breakdown are discussed in relation to the growing numbers of violent juvenile offenders. Early experiences of negligence, abuse, violent social situations, violent families, and lack of empathic models are cited as causes of violence. Early predictors of violence, family relations, teaching children social values, and the effect of new family structures are explored in several longitudinal case studies. Each case involves material and personal/human deprivation and dysfunctional families. The longitudinal studies also explore society's pressures on youth such as television violence, availability of guns, and "pack" dynamics. Treatments and possible solutions concentrate on correcting problems in the earlier years such as parental education, material support, or psychological redirection of anger.


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