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Views From the Inside: Insights About Restrictive Housing From Prison System Officials, Officers, and Staff

NCJ Number
Prison Journal Volume: 101 Issue: 6 Dated: 2021 Pages: 631-651
Daniel P. Mears; George B. Pesta; Vivian Aranda-Hughes
Date Published
21 pages

This article examines a gap in research to determine how those who work in prison systems view its housing, operational challenges, effectiveness, possible improvements, and potential alternatives; it also scrutinizes the diverse dimensions relevant to the prison system’s appraisal.


Restrictive housing substantially limits inmate movement and privileges. Proponents argue it creates safer prison systems, while opponents claim it does not and harms inmates. However, few studies have systematically examined restrictive housing through the perspective of those who work in prison systems or scrutinized the diverse dimensions relevant to its appraisal. This study addresses this gap by drawing on qualitative data to examine how such individuals view the housing, its operational challenges, effectiveness, possible improvements, and potential alternatives. We present findings along each of these dimensions and then discuss their implications for research and policy. Publisher Abstract Provided