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Victims, Safer Communities and Sentencing

NCJ Number
Canadian Journal of Criminology Volume: 32 Issue: 3 Dated: special issue (July 1990) Pages: 461-469
I Waller
Date Published
9 pages
The purpose of the article is to examine the role of sentencing in making communities safer from crime and recognizing the needs of victims of crime.
It looks at the trends in legislation to protect the interests of victims. It examines what might be the personal interests of victims. It shows that the Daubney report unlike the Sentencing Commission has taken victims into account. It looks at the importance of public safety and argues not only that this must be considered in sentencing but that judges should also be making recommendations about action that should be taken by the community to prevent crime. It concludes by examining a way to make judges more accountable for the costs of their decisions which would give them more flexibility in finding sentences that respect the interests of offenders, victims, and the community. 11 references. (Author abstract)