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Victims and Perpetrators on Sexual Abuse and Treatment

NCJ Number
Borje Svensson
Date Published
40 pages
This booklet offers insight into the variations that exist among both victims and perpetrators of child sexual abuse and the various strategies adopted for their treatment at Save the Children Sweden Boys’ Clinic.
Produced by the Save the Children Sweden, this booklet offers knowledge and understanding of the variations of both the victim of child sexual abuse and the perpetrators of child sexual abuse and treatment modalities. The booklet begins with a description of the life of a sexually abused 8-year old boy. It then describes the treatment model applied at the Save the Children Sweden Boys’ Clinic, the Stepping Stones model consisting of four central areas serving as stepping stones in the therapeutic journey: (1) describing the abuse; (2) expressing feelings; (3) saying no and setting boundaries; and (4) acceptance. A description of the various types of perpetrators is also presented and briefly discussed. These perpetrators include: (1) male and female perpetrators; (2) pedophiles; and (3) children who sexually abuse other children. At the Boy’s Clinic, it was realized that the struggle against sexual abuse of children also embraces the treatment of child offenders. References


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