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Victimology in India - An Introductory Study

NCJ Number
V N Rajan
Date Published
144 pages
Following a discussion of the history and philosophy of victim compensation, this book examines the development and characteristics of victim compensation schemes in Europe, America, and Australia and proposes research and action related to victim services in India.
In modern criminal justice systems, the victim was ignored until after the Second World War. The seeds of victimology as a branch of criminology were sown in the United Kingdom, West Germany, France, the Scandinavian countries, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the United States. This movement toward increasing the state's response to the needs of victims of crime has made little impact in India. India should undertake research which will (1) determine the psychodynamic interaction between the victim and the offender; (2) examine criminal acts for possible projections and sterotypes which can be analyzed for their criminogenic significance; and (3) determine predisposing variables, such as biological, sociological, and psychological factors, for different crimes. This study suggests specific areas for victimology research. Practical problems in undertaking victimology research in India are also identified, and the development of victim-witness assistance programs and restitution schemes is discussed. Suggestions for developing a victim compensation program for India are offered. A subject index is provided.