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Victimization to Violence - Results From a 1980 National Survey

NCJ Number
R Siren; M Heiskanen
Date Published
52 pages
This report contains narrative and tabular summaries of data from Finland's 1980 national survey on violent criminal victimizations.
Those surveyed were persons 15 to 74 years old permanently residing in Finland but not permanently institutionalized. There were 9,598 completed interviews. The telephone interviews inquired about violent crimes suffered by the respondents over the last 12 months. Data on the incidents of criminal violence cover the incident prevalence, physical injuries, financial losses, and other incident consequences. Data on incident characteristics also address the time, place, offender characteristics, and whether the incident was reported to the police. Data on victim characteristics focus on victims' ages, sex, and places of residence; the number who were repeat victims; and the relationship between social status and the prevalence of victimization. 16 tables and 18 references.