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Victima vs Regina vs Malefactor: Justice for the Next 100 Years (From Criminal Law in Action: An Overview of Current Issues in Western Societies, P 421-437, 1988, Jan van Dijk, Charles Haffmans, et al, eds. -- See NCJ-126687)

NCJ Number
I Waller
Date Published
17 pages
Although victims have been excluded from the criminal justice system in the past, greater victim participation will lead to greater confidence in the system.
There is widespread agreement that improved State compensation and social assistance must be provided for victims. Debate prevails, however, about the extent of compensation and how it should be financed and about whether rape crisis centers should be integrated with general victim services. The challenge for criminal justice professionals is how to provide an effective and just system for offenders, victims, and the community. Progress will require funds to provide services for victims so they will understand the criminal justice process and participate in it. Such services can be provided by community agencies, police departments, prosecutors' offices, and courts. Legislation may have to be changed to specify the victim role in the criminal process. General arguments for and against victim participation in sentencing are presented with emphasis on ways in which the criminal justice system affects victims' personal interests in reparation, their security, and recognition of harm. Victim trends in France, Canada, and the United States are summarized, and recommendations are offered on how to provide more equitable justice for victims. 32 references