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Victim Reparation Programs - Learning From Experience

NCJ Number
Brigham Young University Law Review Volume: 1985 Issue: 3 Dated: (1985) Pages: 513-535
B L Beck
Date Published
23 pages
A study of existing victim compensation programs in 10 States focused on their eligibility requirements, funding, and administration.
The study was conducted in May and June in 1985 by the Utah Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice. The programs operate in the following States: Alaska, California, Colorado, Iowa, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, and Texas. Data came from a telephone survey of the program directors and from interviews with representatives of two national organizations related to victim compensation. Results show that, due to fiscal constraints, all programs limit applicants, but some restrictions, such as the exclusion of close relatives of perpetrators, should be eliminated. Program funding comes from general revenues, fines, or combinations of these sources. Crucial aspects of program administration are the publicity provided for the programs, the turnaround time for processing applications, and the nature of the agency handling the program. 95 reference notes.