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Victim-Offender Relationship in Female Homicide by Male - A Study Conducted in Maharashtra

NCJ Number
Indian Journal of Social Work Volume: 55 Issue: 3 Dated: (October 1984) Pages: 317-323
V V Devasia; L Devisia
Date Published
7 pages
The present study analyzes the various factors in the female victim's relationship with her male murderer. It was conducted in Vidarbha, Maharashtra, in 1982.
It has been observed that 36 percent of male life-term prisoners, convicted for criminal homicide, were 'female-killers.' In six out of seven cases of men committing homicide in their homes, the victim has been the spouse. In about 78 per cent cases the victim was a member of the immediate family, and among them, 86 per cent were spouses. The marital status of the victim and that of the offender, or the fact that a person is the spouse, sister or mother, may contain the starting point of murder. To some extent, blood relationship of the victim with the murderer is significant in female homicides by males. Age of the victim plays a key role in murder among family members. Age of the victim is also significantly related to the marital status of the victim. It has been observed that when a married woman is killed in her home, it is most likely to be by her husband. The female victim and the male offender appear in a close interpersonal relationship and the victim plays a determinant role, which is often related to family a determinant role, which is often related to family matters or sex with her murderer. (Author abstract)