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Victim Assistance Institute Needs Assessment Report and Recommendations

NCJ Number
Dana D. DeHart Ph.D.
Date Published
55 pages
This report presents the findings and recommendations of a needs assessment that led to plans to establish the Victim Assistance Institute to provide training for victim service practitioners.
The needs assessment was directed toward identifying regional training needs. Examination of victimology literature and national model programs ensured that state-of-the-art training is incorporated into the project plan. The needs assessment also examined findings from recent regional surveys that addressed policymaker, victim-assistance, and victim perceptions of South Carolina victim services. The assessment drew from regional data sources to compile a directory of available services. Data were supplemented through focus groups and personal interviews with victims, service providers, and policymakers. Based on the needs assessment, the Center for Child and Family Studies at the University of South Carolina will develop state-of-the-art training curricula and draft plans for implementing training through a new Victim Assistance Institute. General training will include traditional topics of victim's legal rights, appropriate referrals, and sensitive responding to victim-trauma reactions. Special topics will focus on such issues as emerging trends in victim assistance, coordination of interagency efforts, and field-specific skills. 2 figures and appended organizational descriptions, resource summaries, participants represented, and basic competencies