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Victim Assistance Institute Evaluation Plan

NCJ Number
Dana D. DeHart Ph.D.
Date Published
28 pages
This paper presents an evaluation design for South Carolina's Victim Assistance Institute, which is intended to train and certify victim assistants.
The first project year was devoted to an intensive needs assessment, the writing of curriculum units, and the development of an implementation plan. This paper describes the types and purposes of evaluation and key considerations in the development of an evaluation plan for the Institute, as well as the goals, measures, sampling procedures, and proposed use of evaluation findings. The Institute will incorporate "utilization-focused" evaluation as well as several other subtypes of evaluation. The ultimate goal of the implementation evaluation is to determine whether the program is cost-effective and achieves the purposes established by the contracting agency. Immediate related implementation goals are also outlined, as are the indicators that will be measured to determine whether or not immediate goals have been achieved. The outcome evaluation will measure the ultimate goals of serving crime victims effectively and compassionately as well as reducing the impact of crime on South Carolina communities. The discussion of the dissemination of evaluation findings focuses on the format of the evaluation findings and evaluation products. 5 tables