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NCJ Number
M A Young
Date Published
415 pages
Monographs and training materials instruct readers in how to be an effective victim advocate and counselor.
A paper on the psychological trauma of crime victimization explains the crisis reaction and long-term stress reactions. This is followed by a paper on crisis intervention. It instructs readers in the techniques and skills that can ease the trauma of victimization. Another paper describes the techniques and procedures of supportive counseling and advocacy for crime victims. Five papers discuss the specialized services needed by the following types of victims: child victims, victims of family violence, sexual assault victims, survivors of homicide victims, and victims of bias crimes. Other papers instruct readers in procedures and techniques for organizing victim services in various environments; cross-cultural service delivery and victim assistance in schools and universities are discussed. Papers on the following general topics pertain to victim- advocacy organization and operations: public speaking, group facilitation, the development and evaluation of training programs, work with volunteers, staff management, fundraising, work with the medical community, and victim services as a profession. Figures and bibliographies accompany the papers.