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Victim Assistance and the Prevention of Crime: The Burden of Responsibility on the Individual

NCJ Number
EuroCriminology Volume: 3 Dated: (1990) Pages: 82-101
M Jousten
Date Published
20 pages
This paper examines the role of the individual in crime prevention.
Three main questions are addressed in this analysis of crime prevention by the individual: victim participation and vulnerability, the scope of crime prevention on the part of the individual, and the various pressures brought to bear on the individual to assume part of the burden of crime prevention and whether this is appropriate. A review of the literature indicates a scope exists for changing the behavior of potential crime victims. Such obligations, which can be and are imposed, are found in connection with criminal legislation, the payment of restitution, the payment of state compensation, and in insurance. The individual citizen must behave within at least reasonable limits of care, but the burden should not be so heavy that the individual feels a loss of his or her rights as a member of a free society. 60 references