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Viable Options: Intensive Supervision Programs for Juvenile Delinquents

NCJ Number
Crime and Delinquency Volume: 36 Issue: 2 Dated: (April 1990) Pages: 238-256
W H Barton; J A Butts
Date Published
19 pages
The Wayne County Juvenile Court in Detroit, Michigan, recently developed and evaluated three in-home, intensive supervision programs as alternatives to commitment for adjudicated delinquents.
More than 500 youths were randomly assigned to either intensive supervision or a control group that was committed to the State for placement. The evaluation found the in-home programs to be as effective as commitment for about one-third the cost. Two years after random assignment, the experimental 2nd control group cases showed few differences in recidivism, either in official charges or by self-report. The study suggests that in-home programs are a viable option for many youths who would otherwise be committed. 4 tables, 2 appendixes, 7 notes, 27 references. (Author abstract)