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NCJ Number
Date Published
60 pages
This manual includes tactics and responsibilities during vehicle pullovers.
Instruction in the following categories: (1) types of vehicle stops; (2) selecting a location for a vehicle stop; (3) techniques for getting a driver's attention; (4) proper use of a spotlight during a pullover; (5) vehicle approach tactics--campers, vans, etc.; (6) principles for searching a vehicle; (7) initial violator contact; (8) validity and authenticity of a driver's license; (9) court procedures for processing a citation; (10) signature on citation is not admission; and (11) laws governing arrest--citation or release. There are three exercises: Vehicle Search Techniques, Acceptable Identification, and Complete a Traffic Citation. There are three scenarios: Daylight Traffic Stop, Nighttime Traffic Stop, and High-Risk Vehicle Stop. There are also a separate section on Traffic Stop Problems and sections for supporting material and references. Each training institution should establish its own list of such materials.