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Variation in the Measurement of Cranial Volume and Surface Area Using 3D Laser Scanning Technology

NCJ Number
Journal of Forensic Sciences Volume: 55 Issue: 4 Dated: July 2010 Pages: 871-876
Sabrina B. Sholts, M.A.; Sebastian K.T.S Warmlander, Ph.D.; Louise M. Flores, B.A.; Kevin W.P. Miller, Ph.D.; Philip L. Walker, Ph.D.
Date Published
July 2010
6 pages
This study assessed the repeatability and precision of cranial volume and surface area measurements using 3D laser scanner models created by different operators using different protocols for collecting and processing data.
Three-dimensional (3D) laser scanner models of human crania can be used for forensic facial reconstruction, and for obtaining craniometric data useful for estimating age, sex, and population affinity of unidentified human remains. However, the use of computer-generated measurements in a casework setting requires the measurement precision to be known. This study found intraobserver measurement errors of 0.2 percent and interobserver errors of 2 percent of the total area and volume values, suggesting that observer-related errors do not pose major obstacles for sharing, combining, or comparing such measurements. Nevertheless, as no standardized procedure exists for area or volume measurements from 3D models, it is imperative to report the scanning and postscanning protocols employed when such measurements are conducted in a forensic setting. (Published Abstract)