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Variables Associated with Success in an Adolescent Drug Treatment Program

NCJ Number
Adolescence Volume: 26 Issue: 102 Dated: (Summer 1991) Pages: 305-317
J E Knapp; D I Templer; W G Cannon; S Dobson
Date Published
12 pages
The purpose of this study was to investigate the variables that predicted success in an adolescent inpatient drug treatment program.
The prognosis in 94 adolescent polydrug abusers was determined on the basis of the MMPI, the Millon Adolescent Personality Inventory, Wechsler IQ, and historical variables. Favorable outcome was associated with being female, having fewer legal difficulties, fewer neurological risk factors, less pathological MMPI scores, higher Verbal IQ, and lower Performance IQ. 5 tables and 18 references (Author abstract)