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Value of Simulation Exercises for Emergency Management in the United Kingdom

NCJ Number
Risk Management: An International Journal Volume: 3 Issue: 4 Dated: 2001 Pages: 35-50
Kees van Haperen
Date Published
16 pages
This article investigates the use of simulation exercises by local authorities and emergency services in the United Kingdom.
The United Kingdom has recently experienced a series of incidents that have led to serious concerns about the country's state of emergency preparedness. Emergency planning and management are usually executed at the local level. Local authorities and emergency services have developed frameworks for planning, training, and exercising. Simulation exercises are an important part of these frameworks. They are perceived as a useful tool for learning. However, there is a lack of evidence of their value for emergency, crisis, and disaster management. The article analyzes and evaluates post-exercise reports of table-top exercises. Simulation exercises provide an interactive environment in which participants can learn through practice, discourse, communication, and social interaction. The reports provide an insight into the design of simulation exercises. However, after relating the post-exercise reports to theories of learning, no obvious conclusions could be drawn. The article questions whether simulation exercises in their current form provide opportunities for learning. It suggests that the framework for planning, conducting, and evaluating would need to be improved so that post-exercise reports could fulfill their potential as a useful source of information. Figures, tables, notes