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Validity and Reliability of Polygraph Testing

NCJ Number
Polygraph Volume: 26 Issue: 4 Dated: (1997) Pages: 215-239
Date Published
25 pages
This is a compendium of research studies on the validity and reliability of polygraph testing.
The 80 research projects listed in this paper, published since 1980, involved 6,380 polygraph examinations or sets of charts from examinations. Researchers conducted 12 studies of the validity of field examinations, following 2,174 field examinations, providing an average accuracy of 98 percent. Researchers conducted 11 studies that involved the reliability of independent analyses of 1,609 sets of charts from field examinations confirmed by independent evidence, providing an average accuracy of 92 percent. Researchers conducted 41 studies that involved the accuracy of 1,787 laboratory simulations of polygraph examinations, producing an average accuracy of 80 percent. Researchers conducted 16 studies that involved the reliability of independent analyses of 810 sets of charts from laboratory simulations that produced an average accuracy of 81 percent. Tables list the authors and years of the research projects, which are identified fully in the references cited. Surveys and novel methods of testing are mentioned. 11 tables and 67 annotated references