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Utilization of an Interview-Based Classification Instrument - A Study of Correctional Halfway Houses

NCJ Number
Criminal Justice and Behavior Volume: 12 Issue: 3 Dated: (September 1985) Pages: 333-352
J Bonta; L L Motiuk
Date Published
18 pages
Presently halfway houses are not being fully utilized; this may be partly due to the unclear guidelines regarding residential placement.
The reported research tested the validity of a classification instrument, the Level of Supervision Investory (LSI), with incarcerated offenders placed into halfway houses. The LSI yielded impressive predictions of both inprogram and postprogram recidivism, it demonstrated acceptable internal reliability, and the instrument showed convergent validity. Furthermore, the LSI provided not only an assessment of risk but it also identified the needs of offenders that can be used to select treatment goals and evaluate intervention programs. (Author abstract)