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Using Conceptual Matrices, Knowledge Maps, and Scripted Cooperation to Improve Personal Management Strategies

NCJ Number
Journal of Drug Education Volume: 21 Issue: 3 Dated: (1991) Pages: 211-230
S M Dees; D F Dansereau; J L Peel; J G Boatler; K Knight
Date Published
20 pages
Fifty-seven students were provided with three tools previously found to enhance academic learning strategies -- knowledge maps, scripted peer cooperation, and conceptual matrices -- as a means of understanding and improving personal management strategies.
This effort is based on the idea that individuals can benefit from training that would help them deal appropriately with their own systems of thoughts, feelings, motivations, and physical states. Effectively maintaining and troubleshooting one's own personal system may allow an individual to avoid the emergence of internal states that are conducive to abusive behavior. Results show that this approach appears to have been well received by this group of college students. Also, individual differences appear to be an important consideration in predicting participants' perceptions of the value of this approach. Participants who felt in control of what happens to them, and those who saw recurring problems as impactful and expressed strong desires to change those situations, had the most positive reactions to the types of activities used in this study. 5 figures, 1 table, and 15 references (Author abstract modified)