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Users Guide to the 1976 Victimization Data

NCJ Number
Date Published
66 pages
This users guide describes the South Dakota 1976 crime victimization survey and its data from a data management perspective so that the information can be accessed and used for specific analyses.
The survey collected information on incidents of robbery assault, sexual assault, motor vehicle theft, burglary, theft, and vandalism. All 3,475 responses were fed into a computer, and several programs were developed to produce data analyses. The guide discusses the victimization questionnaire, and describes the variable identification and layout on the computer file. It also explains the tape file specification. The survey questionnaire contained 132 questions, the first 110 of which elicited detail on each of the 7 crime types. The remaining items concerned respondents' demographic data and opinions on crime issues. Tables present the tape file specification, listings of three SPSS programs used to set up and analyze the data, SPSS file corrections, the victimization variable identification and layout, variable cross references, and the geographic coding scheme. The complete survey instrument is provided, as is a sample JCL for tape or disk access. For the victimization report, see NCJ 80673.